Provisional program

Please find here the workshop program. Note that each speaker will have 20 minutes for presentation, including questions. We wish to, in line with the aims of a workshop, maximise discussion time so we have also made available abstracts here, so that authors might consider how their work relates to that of others. A few abstracts are not available, since the authors requested that they not be placed on the web. We will distribute a book of abstracts to all attendees at the the workshop.

GIR Systems

9.00-9.10 Welcome
9.10-9.30 Sanderson and Kohler Analyzing geographic queries
9.30-9.50Sagara and Kitsuregawa Yellow page driven methods of collecting and scoring spatial documents
9.50-10.10Gey and Carl Geotemporal access to multilingual documents
10.10-10.30Naaman et al Assigning textual names to sets of geographic coordinates
10.30-10.50Chrisment et al Information mining: extracting, exploring and visualising geo-referenced information


Problems in GIR

11.30-11.50Arampatzis et al Web-based delineation of imprecise regions
11.50-12.10Larson and Frontiera Ranking and representation for Geographic Information Retrieval
12.10-12.30Janée and Frew Spatial search, ranking and interoperability


Extracting Geographic Information from unstructured text

14.00-14.20 Silva et al Adding geographic scope to web resources
14.20-14.40 Nissim et al Recognising geographical entities in Scottish historical documents
14.40-15.00 Amitay et al Finding the geographic focus of web-pages
15.00-15.20 Schilder et al Extracting spatial information: Grounding, classifying and linking spatial expressions


Test collections

15.40-16.00 Hill et al Research directions in georeferenced IR based on the Alexandria Digital Library Project
16.00-16.20 Leidner Towards a reference corpus for automatic toponym resolution evaluation
16.20-16.40 Clough and Sanderson A proposal for comparative evaluation of automatic annotation for geo-referenced documents

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