
Curriculum Vitae of Samuel Nussbaumer

September 2010 – present:

Science officer with the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS), Department of Geography, University of Zurich

June 2022 – present:

Project manager of GlaMBIE (Glacier Mass Balance Intercomparison Exercise, funded by ESA's Polar Science Cluster), Department of Geography, University of Zurich

January 2019 – June 2020:

Senior scientist (lecturer) with the Geography Teacher Training, Department of Geography, University of Zurich

January 2014 – June 2019:

Senior researcher at the Universities of Fribourg and Zurich; i.a. project "Promoting Sustainable Mountain Development for Global Change (SMD4GC)", funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

January 2012 – December 2013:

Fellowship for prospective researchers (SNSF-project; title: "Glacier variations in southern South America: extension of the historical glacier record and connection to climate variability") at IANIGLA, Mendoza, Argentina (with Dr. Ricardo Villalba and Dr. Mariano Masiokas) and at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada (with Prof. Dr. Brian Luckman)


PhD of Science in Climate Sciences (Dr. phil.-nat.), Universität Bern.
Doctoral thesis: "Continental-scale glacier variations in Europe (Alps, Scandinavia) and their connection to climate over the last centuries"

February – July 2008:

Research stay in Norway (UNIS – The University Centre in Svalbard / Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen)

April 2007 – May 2010:

PhD student (SNSF-project; title: "Continental-scale glacier variations in Europe (Alps, Scandinavia) and their connection to climate: past – present – future") at the Institute of Geography and NCCR Climate, University of Bern (supervisors: Prof. Dr. Heinz J. Zumbühl and Prof. Dr. Heinz Wanner)

August 2006 – December 2007:

Teacher training at the Pädagogischen Hochschule Bern (degree in teaching at grammar-school level)


Diploma (Dipl. phil.-nat.) in Geography (major subject), Earth Sciences and Physics (minor subjects) at the University of Bern.
Diploma thesis: "Fluctuations of the 'Mer de Glace' (Mont Blanc area, France) AD 1500–2050"

August 2003 – August 2004:

Exchange student (Erasmus) at the Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden

October 2001 – June 2006:

Studies of Geography, Earth Sciences, and Physics at the University of Bern

Department of Geography | University of Zurich | © Samuel Nussbaumer, 2024