


World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS)
International Glaciological Society (IGS)
International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS)
The Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project
Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS)
GLIMS – Guides and Tutorials
NSIDC – Cryospheric glossary
NSIDC – Glacier Photograph Collection
Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) – The cryosphere in the climate system
Change in global glacier mass – interactive and live graphics from UNEP
Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountains (GAPHAZ)

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Schnee, Eis und Permafrost (SEP)
SwissEduc: Glaciers online
Gletschergarten Luzern
Norsk BreMuseum
GLACIARIUM – Museo del Hielo Patagónico
Open Global Glacier Model educational website
Isbresimulator – interactive glacier animation
VR Glaciers and Glaciated Landscapes – virtual field trips

Schweizerisches Gletschermessnetz (GLAMOS)
Mächtigkeit Schweizer Gletscher (swisstopo)
Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo
Icelandic glacier web portal
Glacier periodic photos of Norway
Secrets of the Ice – The Archaeology of Glaciers and Ice Patches
Inventario Nacional de Glaciares – Argentina
Postales de Hielo – explorando los glaciares de Tierra del Fuego
Glaciares de Chile

Live image Findelengletscher and other sites (Swiss Alps)
Webcam Konkordiaplatz (Swiss Alps)
Webcams Chamonix: Glacier des Bossons/Mer de Glace (French Alps)

Environmental and climate sciences

Glaciology and geomorphodynamics, Department of Geography, University of Zurich
Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg
Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research
Hochalpine Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Institutionen för naturgeografi, Stockholms Universitet
CONICET/IANIGLA, Mendoza, Argentina
Centro de Ciencia del Clima y Resiliencia (CR)², Chile

PAGES – Past Global Changes
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research
ProClim- Forum for Climate and Global Change
Carbon Brief – science and policy of climate change
RealClimate – Climate science from climate scientists
Global warming and climate change myths
Blog on historical climatology
Climate History Network
GlacierHub – science and policy of glaciers

More useful tools and resources

Umweltzustand der Schweiz (BAFU)
Naturgefahrenportal Schweiz
Rapid Mapping (swisstopo)
Geoportal des Kantons Bern – Naturgefahrenkarten
Bildbestände zu historischen Überschwemmungen in der Schweiz
Hinweiskarte der potenziellen Permafrostverbreitung (BAFU)
SDC Climate, DRR & Environment Network
Eos - The Landslide Blog – Earth news
NASA Earth Observatory – Features
IUGS Geological Heritage Sites – Geoportal des Bundes (swisstopo)
swisstopo – Karten der Schweiz und Zeitreise
swisstopo – Geodaten und Applikationen
GeoVITe – user-friendly geodata service – portal for Swiss open government data
EnviDat – environmental data portal of WSL
Atlas der Schweiz
Hydrologischer Atlas der Schweiz
Atlas scientifique du Mont-Blanc
Mapoteca Digital de Chile – Dirección General de Aguas (DGA)

USGS EarthExplorer
GloVis – USGS Global Visualization Viewer
ASTER and other satellite datasets
Sentinel Hub EO Browser
Access to SPOT-5 satellite imagery
World Imagery Wayback
Umrechnung von GPS-Koordinaten
NAVREF – Umrechnung von Schweizer Landeskoordinaten

Copernicus Climate Data Store
KNMI – Climate Explorer
Euro-Climhist – database for historical climatology
NOAA paleoclimatology data
NOAA news and features on climate
Observatorio de Nieve en los Andes de Argentina y Chile
Atlas de Sequías de Sudamérica
Current ENSO conditions
Latest CO2 reading
Glossary of climate change acronyms
Climate Information – climate science basis for climate adaptation and mitigation
SMHI Climate Adaptation Game
What's really warming the world? An interactive animation
HealthMap – disease outbreak monitoring
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


R project for statistical computing
R online manual
Quick-R – useful documentation
RStudio – editor and more
Shiny – web application framework for R
Tinn-R – editor
Python – installing Miniconda
Official Python documentation
Visual Studio Code

GSview – graphical interface for Ghostscript
Inkscape. Draw Freely.
PhotoScape – photo editor
ImageMagick – bitmap animations
Image correlation software CIAS
ImGRAFT – image georectification and feature tracking toolbox

Global Mapper – GIS Mapping Software
Quick Terrain Reader – visualizing point clouds and DEMs
QGIS – open source geographic information system
PHOTOMOD Lite – digital photogrammetric system
Google Earth Engine
AnClim – time series analysis and homogenization
OxCal – Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit
CALIB Radiocarbon Calibration
The online calculators formerly known as the CRONUS-Earth online calculators

LaTeX – a document preparation system
Overleaf – Online-LaTeX-Editor
LaTeX2rtf – LaTeX to RTF converter
JabRef – open source bibliography reference manager
Zotero – useful reference plug-in for web browsers and word programmes
Brackets – text editor for web design
Website carbon footprint calculator
FileZilla – FTP programme
WinSCP – SFTP and FTP client

Dictionaries and translation

LEO – Wörterbuch
Svensk-engelskt lexikon
LEXIN – norsk-engelsk
Real Academia Española
IATE – mehrsprachige Terminologie-Datenbank
Oxford English Dictionary
Banished Words List, Lake Superior State University
Google Books Ngram Viewer
DeepL – translator

Libraries and repositories

Universitätsbibliothek Bern
swisscovery – Swiss Library Service Platform
Helveticat – Online-Katalog der Schweizerischen Nationalbibliothek (NB)
RERO – catalogue collectif
Fachinformationen Physische Geographie, Universität Zürich
Fachportale GIS und Fernerkundung
Schweizerisches Fachportal für Karten in der Schweiz
Smapshot – georeferencing of historical images
Rare books from Swiss libraries
Digitized Swiss journals
SNSF research grant database – projects, people, publications
International Music Score Library Project


Der Bund (Bärn...)
NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
DN – Dagens Nyheter (Sweden)
Bergens Tidende (Norway) (Argentina)
Los Andes (Mendoza, Argentina)
Le Monde diplomatique, edición Cono Sur

Weather and natural hazards

Wetterprognose (MeteoSchweiz)
Bergwetter (DAV/ZAMG)
meteoblue weather
Meteodat – meteogram for Zurich
Worldwide weather by Yr – meteogram for Santiago de Chile
Niederschlagsradar Schweiz

Webcam Jungfraujoch
Webcam Jungfrau-Ostgrat
Webcam Lauberhornschulter
Webcam Mittellegihütte
Bergwetter Grindelwald
Alpenblick aus Bern

OGIMET – Weather Information Service
Wetter3 – aktuelle Wetterkarten
Snow forecast, snow reports and snow conditions
WindGURU: Wind- und Wettervorhersage

SMHI – Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut
Geofysisk institutt – Været i Bergen
IMO – Icelandic Meteorological Office
Japan Meteorological Agency – Earthquake and Typhoon Information
Canadian Weather – La météo au Canada
Servicio Meteorológico Nacional Argentina
Dirección Meteorológica de Chile
Sernageomin Chile – Red de vigilancia volcánica
Centro Sismológico Nacional, Chile
Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst – registrierte Massenbewegungen

Polar regions

The University Centre in Svalbard
TopoSvalbard – Norsk Polarinstitutt
Værvarsel for Longyearbyen (Svalbard)
NSIDC – Arctic sea ice extent (daily updated)
Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX)
Greenland Portal by GEUS
QGreenland – a free GIS package for Greenland
Quantarctica – a free GIS for Antarctica
Arctic Report Card
Aurora forecast


Phonsinnen – Musik für jeden Anlass
Jungfrau Klimaguide – Klimapfade in der Jungfrauregion – psychologische Beratung
Doodle – Termine finden
Duolingo – Sprachen lernen
momondo – Flüge vergleichen
Google Flüge
Preisvergleich Schweiz
Swistoval – historischer Geldwertrechner
TitleCase – convertor
Sunrise/sunset calculator
Hora Oficial de Chile
aaremarzili online
3D-Stadtmodell von Bern
Train map (Switzerland)
Map of Switzerland

Department of Geography | University of Zurich | © Samuel Nussbaumer, 2024