

Research projects

  • CrowdWater
  • Hydrological modelling for climate-change impact assessment
  • EviWet (Evidence-based Decision Support for Hydrological Ecosystem Services from Wetlands)
  • Runoff processes in small, pre-alpine catchments
  • ....

Professional and public service activities



  • Chair of Subdivision on Catchment Hydrology within EGU
  • Chairman for SHR (The Swedish Hydrological Council)
  • Member of the NHF board (Nordic Association for Hydrology)
  • Website development within the Prof. Water (Profesor Vatten) project at the Uppsala Water Center (UVC), which is a pedagogical website about water for schoolchildren.

Previous positions:

  • Associate Professor ('docent / lektor') at Stockholm university, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology (2005-)
  • Assistant Professor (‘forskarassistent’) and Associate Professor (‘docent’), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Dept. of Environmental Assessment (2001-2004)
  • Postdoctoral research assistant, Oregon State University, Dept. of Forest Engineering (2000)
  • Researcher, Department of Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Uppsala University (1999)
  • PhD student (hydrology), Department of Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Uppsala University (1994-1999)

Organisation of workshops and conference sessions

  • Hydrologidagarna 2007, Norrköping, April 2007: Vatten i en varmare värld (Hydrologydays 2007, Water in a warmer world)
  • Hydrologidagarna 2006, Stockholm, Mars 2006: Har vi den kunskap som behövs - behövs den kunskap vi har? (Hydrologydays 2006, Do we have the knowledge which is needed - is the knowledge needed which we have?)
  • Workshop at Stockholm university (26.8.2005): Catchment hydrology - what do we (need to) know?
  • European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2007: Calibration, data assimilation, and uncertainty estimation of spatially distributed and integrated catchment models (HS34, co-convener)
  • European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2005: Tracing the runoff generation process - integrated experimental investigations from plot to catchment scales (HS6, co-convener), Quantification of structural error, parameter estimation and uncertainty assessment in groundwater and hydrological catchment modelling (HS32 , co-convener), Spatial patterns and analysis for water quality modelling at the catchment scale (HS36, convener)
  • European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly, Nice, France, April 2004: Spatial analysis and landscape discretisation for catchment modelling (HS7, convener) and Quantifying and reducing uncertainty in hydrological catchment modelling (HS35, convener)
  • Joined European Geophysical Society (EGS) - American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting, Nice, France, April 2003, convener for session HS21 (Spatial analysis, landscape discretisation and catchment classification for hydrological modelling ), co-convener for session HS18 (Incorporating hydrological processes knowledge into catchment modelling)

Publications & Impact:

  • Page at
  • Publication list on ReseacherID
  • Publication list on Scopus
  • Publication list on Google Scholar
  • Awards:

    About Me

    Jan Seibert Jan Seibert

    Hydrology and Climate
    Department of Geography
    University of Zurich
