Refereed papers
Bartling, M., Resch, B., Reichenbacher, T., Havas, C., Robinson, A., Fabrikant, S., Blaschke, T. Adapting mobile map application designs to map use context: a review and call for action on potential future research themes. Cartography and Geographic Information Science:Epub ahead of print, 2022.
Bartling, M., Havas, C., Wegenkittl, S., Reichenbacher, T., Resch, B. Modeling patterns in map use contexts and mobile map design usability. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(8), 2021: 527.
Reichenbacher, T., De Sabbata, S., Purves, R. & Fabrikant, S. Assessing geographic relevance for mobile search: a computational model and its validation via crowdsourcing. Journal of the Assoc. for Information Science and Technology, 67(11), 2016 :2620–2634
De Sabbata, S., Mizzaro, S. & Reichenbacher, T. Geographic dimensions of relevance. Journal of Documentation 71(4), 2015: 650–666
Crease, P. & Reichenbacher, T. Linking time geography and activity theory to support the activities of mobile information seekers. Transactions in GIS 17(4), 2013: 507–525
Reichenbacher, T. & De Sabbata, S. Geographic relevance – different notions of geographies and relevancies. ACM SIGSPATIAL Special 3(2), July 2011: 67–70
Coeltekin, A. & Reichenbacher, T. High Quality Geographic Services and Bandwidth Limitations. Future Internet 3(4), 2011: 379-396
Swienty, O., Kurz, F., Reichenbacher, T. Attention-guiding visualisation in remote sensing IIM sys- tems. Photogrammetrie–Fernerkundung–Geoinformation, Vol. 4, 2007, p. 239-251
Reichenbacher, T. Adaptive Kartengestaltung für mobile Nutzer. KN 55(4), 2005: 175 – 180 Reichenbacher, T. Adaptive concepts for a mobile cartography. Journal of Geographical Sciences,
Acta Geographica Sinica, Vol.11 (Supplement), 2001: 43-53
Conference Papers (refereed)
De Sabbata, S. & Reichenbacher, T. Computing geographic relevance in mobile information services. Proc. Context-Awareness in Geographic Information Services (CAGIS 2014), 2014
Reichenbacher, T. Geographic relevance in mobile services. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Location and the Web. Boston, Massachusetts, April 4, 2009. ACM Vol. 370. 2009
Swienty, O., Zhang, M., Reichenbacher, T., Meng, L. Establishing a neurocognition-based taxonomy of graphical variables for attention-guiding geovisualisation. Proceedings of SPIE, Geoinformatics 2007, Nanjing, China. May 26-28, 2007, Vol. 6751
Swienty, O., Zhang, M., Reichenbacher, T. Attention Guiding Visualization of Geospatial Infor- mation. In: Wu, H. and Zhu, Q. (eds), Proceedings of SPIE, Geoinformatics 2006, Wuhan, October 28- 29, 2006, Vol. 6421, 2006: 1-12
Weibel, R., Keller, S., Reichenbacher, T. Overcoming the Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck in Map Generalization: The Role of Interactive Systems and Computational Intelligence. Frank, A.U., Kuhn, W. (eds) Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS. Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Berlin: Springer, Vol. 988, 1995: 139-156
Conference Papers (abstract refereed)
Olivieri, M. & Reichenbacher, T. Suitability of colour hue, value, and transparency for geographic relevance encoding in mobile maps. Abstracts of the ICA, 2021, 3:224
Crease, P. & Reichenbacher, T. An Empirical Investigation into the Comprehension of Spatio- Temporal Proximity from Mobile Maps. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on LBS 2012, October 16 - 18, 2012, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Crease, P. & Reichenbacher, T. Designing Usable Cartographic Representations of Geographic Rele- vance for LBS Users. Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference. (CD-ROM), Paris (France), July 3-8, 2011
De Sabbata, S. & Reichenbacher, T. A Probabilistic Model of Geographic Relevance. Proceedings GIR’10 - 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval. Zurich, Switzerland, 2010
Heil, B. & Reichenbacher, T. Geographic Information Interfaces and the use of guidelines to obtain usability. Proceedings of the 24th International Cartographic Conference (CD-ROM), Santiago (Chile), 2009
Reichenbacher, T., De Sabbata, S., Crease, P. The Concept of Geographic Relevance. In: Proceedings 6th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography CGS, University of Nottingham, UK, September, 2-4 2009
Swienty, O. & Reichenbacher, T. Evaluating the visual scanning efficiency of geovisualisation displays. Proceedings of Workshop on Geospatial Visual Analytics, GIScience 2008, Park City (UT), USA, 2008 (online Proceedings)
De Sabbata, S. & Reichenbacher, T. Criteria of geographic relevance: an experimental study. Inter- national Journal of Geographical Information Science 26(8), 2012: 1-26
Swienty, O., Reichenbacher, T., Reppermund, S., Zihl, J. The role of relevance and cognition in attention-guiding geovisualisation. The Cartographic Journal 45(3), 2008: 227-238
Reichenbacher, T. & Swienty, O. Attention-guiding geovisualisation. Proceedings of the 10th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science (CD-ROM), Aalborg, Denmark. May 8- 11, 2007
Reichenbacher, T. The Importance of Being Relevant. Proceedings of the 22nd International Carto- graphic Conference (CD-ROM), A Coruña (Spain), 2005
Reichenbacher, T. Adaptive Methods for Mobile Cartography. Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference (CD-ROM), Durban (South Africa), 2003
Yu, Z. Yingjie Wang, Y., Reichenbacher, T. User Modelling for Geo-Database Adaptation. Procee- dings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference (CD-ROM), Durban (South Africa), 2003
Edwardes, A. J., Burghardt, D., Bobzien, M., Harrie, L., Lehto, L., Reichenbacher, T., Sester, M. & Weibel, R. Map generalisation technology: addressing the need for a common research platform. Pro- ceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference (CD-ROM), Durban (South Africa), 2003
Reichenbacher, T. The World in Your Pocket - Towards a Mobile Cartography. Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Conference (CD-ROM), Beijing (China), 2001
Reichenbacher, T. Knowledge Acquisition in Map Generalization Using Interactive Systems and Machine Learning. Proceedings of the 17th International Cartographic Conference, Barcelona, 1995: 2221-2230
Conference Papers (not refereed)
Meng, L. & Reichenbacher, T. Geodienste, Location Based Services und Geovisualisierungsdienste. 8. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar Geoinformationssysteme. Tagungsband, 2003: 1-12
Reichenbacher, T. SVG for adaptive visualisations in mobile situations. Proc. SVG Open Conference (CD-ROM), Zurich, 2002
Book Chapters (refereed)
Reichenbacher, T. Mobile Usage and Adaptive Visualization. Shekhar, Shashi; Xiong, Hui (eds) Ency- clopedia of GIS. Part 16. Heidelberg: Springer, 2008: 677-682
Reichenbacher, T. The concept of relevance in mobile maps. In: Gartner G., Cartwight, W., and Peterson, M. (eds) Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Location Based Services and TeleCartography, Heidelberg: Springer, 2007: 231-246
Reichenbacher, T. Adaptive egocentric maps for mobile users. In: Meng, L., Zipf, A., Reichenbacher, T. (eds) Map-based Mobile Services. Theories, Methods and Implementations. Heidelberg: Springer, 2005: 141 – 158
Publications in Journals, Books (not refereed)
Reichenbacher, T. Kartographie in der mobilen digitalen Welt. In: Beineke, D., Heunecke, O, Horst, T., Kleime, U. (eds) Festschrift Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurt Brunner, Schriftenreihe Inst. für Geodäsie, Univ. der Bundeswehr München, Heft Nr. 87, Neubiberg, 2012: 179-188
Reichenbacher, T. Die Bedeutung der Relevanz für die räumliche Wissensgewinnung. In: K. Kriz, W. Kainz, A. Riedl (eds), Geokommunikation im Umfeld der Geographie, Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und Kartographie, Band 19. 2009: 85-90
Reichenbacher, T. Adaption in mobile and ubiquitous cartography. In: Cartwight, W., Peterson, M. and Gartner G. (eds) Multimedia Cartography (2nd ed) Heidelberg: Springer, 2007: 383-397
Reichenbacher, T. & Swienty, O. Relevanz und Kognition in der mobilen Kartographie. In: DGfK (ed) Tagungsband zu GEOVIS 2006, Kartographische Schriften, Band 10, Bonn: Kirschbaum, 2006: 83–90
Reichenbacher, T. & Swienty, O. Saliente Visualisierung relevanter Geoinformation. In: K. Kriz, W. Cartwright, A. Pucher, M. Kirnberger (eds), Kartographie als Kommunikationsmedium, Wiener Schrif- ten zur Geogr. und Kartographie, Bd. 17 2006: 158-165.
Reichenbacher, T. & Meng, L. [guest editors]: Themenheft Mobile Kartographie. Kartographische Nachrichten, 53(1 & 2), 2003
Reichenbacher, T. Mobile Kartographie und ihre Nutzer - Szenarien adaptiver Visualisierung mobiler Benutzeraktivitäten. In: DGfK (ed) Tagungsband zu GEOVIS 2003, Kartographische Schriften, Band 7, Bonn: Kirschbaum, 2003: 111-120
Reichenbacher, T. Mobile Cartography - The World In Your Pocket. GeoInformatics 6(9), 2003
Reichenbacher, T. & Töllner, D. Design of an adaptive mobile geovisualisation service. In: Gartner, G. (eds) Proc. Symposium Location Based Services & Telecartography 2004, TU Wien, Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, Heft Nr. 66, 2004: 17-23
Reichenbacher, T. Adaptive Visualisierung von Geodaten für Location Based Services – ein konzepti- onelles Framework. In: F. Kelnhofer, F., Lechthaler M., Brunner, K. (eds) Proc. Symposium Location Based Services & Telecartography 2002, TU Wien, 28. – 29. Januar 2002. Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, Heft Nr. 58. 2002: 125-134
Reichenbacher, T. Der mobile Mensch – eine Herausforderung für die Kartographie. In: DGfK (ed) Kartographie als Baustein moderner Kommunikation. Tagungsband zum Symposium 2002, Kartographische Schriften, Band 6, 2002, Bonn: Kirschbaum: 16-21
Reichenbacher, T., Angsüsser, S., Meng, L. Mobile Kartographie - eine offene Diskussion. KN 52(4), 2002: 164-166
Reichenbacher, T. Adaptive und kontextbezogene Visualisierung für mobile Benutzer. Kartographie 2001 - multidisziplinär und multidimensional, Beiträge zum 50. Deutschen Kartographentag in Berchtesgaden, Heidelberg: Wichmann, 2001: 269-290
Reichenbacher, T. Eine Methode für den Wissenserwerb in der Kartographischen Generalisierung durch Interaktionsaufzeichnung und Induktives Lernen. Diplomarbeit. Geoprocessing Series, Vol. 30. Geographisches Institut, Universität Zurich, 1996
Book publications
Reichenbacher, T. Mobile Cartography – Adaptive Visualisation of Geographic Information on Mobile Devices. Dissertation. München: Verlag Dr. Hut, 2004
Meng, L., Zipf, A., Reichenbacher, T. (eds) Map-based Mobile Services. Theories, Methods and Implementations. Heidelberg: Springer, 2005
Fabrikant, S., Reichenbacher, T., van Kreveld, Marc, Schlieder, Christoph (eds) Geographic Infor- mation Science – 6th International Conference, GIScience 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6292. Heidelberg: Springer, 2010