
Welcome – Samuel Nussbaumer's Website

I am a scientist with the World Glacier Monitoring Service and the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich. I finished my PhD thesis in the Climatology and Meteorology Research Group (KLIMET) at the University of Bern in May 2010.

My research has focused on (global) climate change and its impact, particularly on historical / Holocene glacier variations in Europe (Alps, Scandinavia) and southern South America and their connection to climate. I have also been involved and I am interested in international glacier monitoring and sustainable mountain development and global change and related outreach and teaching activities.

Two Alpine glaciers with very rich historical documentation: Mer de Glace (photo H. J. Zumbühl, 1985), Unterer Grindelwaldgletscher (detail painting C. Wolf, 1774–77, photos S. Nussbaumer, 2006, E. Edwards, before 1866).


Challenges and Opportunities in Model-Data Comparisoin for Palaeoglacier Reconstructions (25.06.2024):
Workshop held at the University of Zurich

EGU General Assembly 2024 (19.04.2024):
Vienna, Austria, 14–19 April 2024
Session on "Observing and measuring glacier changes from the Little Ice Age to the present based on in situ and remote sensing data"

Extended Artist Talk im Kunsthaus Zürich (09.03.2024):
Über Gletscher: Kunst und Wissenschaft im Dialog

Artikel in 20 Minuten (18.01.2024):
Grönländisches Eis für Drinks?

Blogs on the Euro-Climhist collaboration (18.09.2023):
GIUZ Blog: Mit historischen Gletscherbildern frühere Gletscherstände rekonstruieren
MeteoSchweiz-Blog: Historische Gletscherbilder ermöglichen Rekonstruktion von vergangenen Gletscherständen

More: click here

Header: Jostedalsbreen, the largest glacier in mainland Europe (S. Nussbaumer, 2006).

Department of Geography | University of Zurich | © Samuel Nussbaumer, 2024