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.prof. dr. michael zemp | world glacier monitoring service | university of zurich | switzerland |
memberships | awards | review activities | working stays | further training | teaching
Membership Glacier Monitoring Switzerland (GLAMOS) Scientific Committee. Since 2018. Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Steering Committee. 2017-2023. Website: GCOS SC Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) Advisory Board. Since 2014. Website: GLIMS Executive Committee of the Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G). Since 2007. Website: GTN-G GCOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC). 2012-2017. Website: TOPC Ad hoc Executive Committee of the Global Terrestrial Network for Permaforst (GTN-P). 2011-2012. Website: GTN-P European Geosciences Union (EGU). Website: EGU International Glaciological Society (IGS). Website: IGS Swiss Snow, Ice and Permafrost Society. Website: SEP Endowed Prix A.F. Schläfli of the Swiss Academy of Sciences. Zemp, M. (2006): Glaciers and climate change - spatio-temporal analysis of glacier fluctuations in the European Alps. PhD thesis, Universität Zürich. link Endowed term paper award 2001 of the University of Zurich. Andersson, G., Nötzli, J. and Zemp, M. (unpubl.): Computergestützes Lernen in der Fernerkundung. Seminararbeit, Fernerkundung, Geographisches Institut, Universität Zürich. Review activities for National Science Foundations and Universities of several countries, for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for the National Geographic, for the Rolex Awards for Enterprise, as well as for Academic Journals, such as Advances in Geosciences, Annals of Glaciology, Geografiska Annaler, Geophyiscal Research Letters, Journal of Glaciology, and The Cryosphere. Glaciological expedition to Abramov Glacier, Hissar Alay, Kyrgyzstan, 21-29 August 2015. Glacier mass balance campaign with the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), Jotunheimen, Norway, 4-9 August, 2014. CATCOS Field Campaign at Nevado de Santa Isabel, Bogotá and Manizales, CO, 19-30 January, 2014. US National
Snow and Ice Data Center and Excursion to the Alaskan
Panhandle and Western Canada, Boulder, USA. June
16September 19, 2008. Max-Planck-Institute
for Meteorology, Scientific Working Group for Regional
Climate Modelling, Hamburg, DE. January
29February 23, 2007. Central
Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna,
AT. October 1114, 2005. FORAC
(Fortalecimiento de la Red Ambiental en Colombia)
Scientific Exchange Programme Glaciology, Mass Balance
Monitoring Workshop and Field Work,
Bogotá/Manizales/Nevado de Santa Isabel, CO. June
18July 6, 2005. First Aid Refresher Course, SanArena Rettungsschule, Zurich, CH. 19 December 2018. Safety and Field Education Workshop, University of Zurich, CH. 9 November 2018. Python: Data Analysis and Data Visualization, University of Zurich, CH. November, 2017. Autodidactic pyhton workshop, Winterthur, CH. April 22-23, 2017. Konsent-Moderation der Soziokratie, Winterthur, CH. May 20, 2017. Crevasse Rescue Training, Tiefengletscher, CH. September 2, 2016. Medientraining an der Schweizer Journalistenschule MAZ in Luzern, CH. November 20-21, 2009. Medientraining an der Schweizer Journalistenschule MAZ in Luzern, CH. September 21, 2007. Gebirgskurs am Steingletscher, CH, 'Gebirgskurs Fels & Eis'. September 37, 2007. Gebirgskurs in Gadmen, CH, 'Gebirgskurs Fels & Eis'. July 1621, 2006. Seminar by S. Eichenberger-Glinz (IfU, University of Zurich) and B. Kiefer (Kiefer and Partners, Zurich) in Zurich, CH, 'Projectmanagement'. September 2930, 2005. 4th International NCCR Climate Summer School in Grindelwald, CH, 'From the Holocene to the Anthropocene: Climate of the last 1000 years'. August 28 - September 2, 2005. ESRI Seminar by M. Höck (ESRI Germany) in Zurich, CH, 'ArcGIS Geoprocessing with Python Scripts'. April 1213, 2005. ESRI Seminar by J. Manegold (ESRI Germany) in Kranzberg, DE, 'ArcGIS Geodatabase Design Concepts'. October 2526, 2004. ESRI Seminar by J. Manegold (ESRI Germany) in Kranzberg, DE, 'ArcGIS Modeling Geodatabases using CASE Tools'. October 2729, 2004. Summer school organized by J. Oerlemans (University of Utrecht) and G. Kaser (University of Innsbruck) in Karthaus, IT, 'Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System'. September 920, 2003. ESRI User Conference Seminar by J. Wilson (University of Southern California) in San Diego, US, ' Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications'. July 7, 2002. ESRI Seminar by M. Schneider in Zurich, CH, 'ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst - Statistical Tools for Data Exploration, Modeling and Advanced Surface Generation'. January 2002. ESRI Seminar by C.
Emery (ESRI Switzerland) in Zurich, CH, 'ArcIMS
Einführung'. May 2123, 2001. Ringvorlesung UZH und ETHZ. GEO891/991 und ETH 651-4237-OOL. Aktuellen Themen aus der Fachwissenschaft für die geographische Allgemeinbildung. Gletscher-Beitrag in HS 2007, HS2008, HS2010 Einführung in die Geomophologie des Alpinen Hochgebirges. Webinar held for BSc-students of Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, AT. 17 Januar 2019 Monitoring of the Cryosphere in High Mountain Environments. Geo 807, lecture series at master level, Department of Geography, University of Zurich. HS2009 HS2010 HS2011 HS2013 Research and Monitoring of the Alpine Cryosphere in a Swiss Mountain Valley. Geo 809, proseminar and excursion at master level, Department of Geography, University of Zurich. FS2012 FS2013 FS2014 FS2015 Glacier Mass Balance Measurements and Analysis from local observations to global assessments. Geo 851, lecture series at master level, Department of Geography, University of Zurich. HS2016 HS2017 HS2018 HS2019 Summer School on Mass Balance Measurements and Analysis. World Glacier Monitoring Service, University of Zurich. Zermat, CH, 2013 ¦ Bishkek, KG, 2015 ¦ La Paz, BO, 2016 Wasser in der Schweiz. Gletscherbeobachtung. Massive Open Online Course. University of Zurich. trailor ¦ course module 3 "In Strömen fliessen", video 14, Gletscherbeobachtung ¦ moocs @ uzh |
last change 23 Jan 2024, mze |