prof. dr. michael zemp | world glacier monitoring service | university of zurich | switzerland







Michael Zemp
Prof. Dr. sc. nat.

World Glacier Monitoring Service

University of Zurich

Department of Geography
Winterthurerstr. 190
8087 Zurich

phone: +41-44 635 51 39



My main research interests are in earth observation technologies and geoinformatics and their application to the investigation of climate-glacier relations.

I graduated from University of Zurich with a Master in Science and subsequently made my PhD thesis on glaciers and climate change in the European Alps. Besides my studies I worked as assistant scientist in the Natural Catastrophe Risk Management at Winterthur Insurance and later as GIS specialist at ESRI Switzerland. Since 2010, I have been leading the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) and I have been involved with various scientific projects of the Department of Geography of the University of Zurich.


  last change 17 Sept 2019, mze